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Managed Cloud for AEC or Construction Industry

The cloud is a metaphor for the internet. It describes how everything – from computing to data storage to software applications – can be delivered as a service over the internet. Cloud technology has significantly impacted several industries, including the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) sector.  

With cloud services, AEC firms can cut operational costs, increase efficiency, and improve collaboration in the workplace. Are you an AEC firm looking for the best cloud-based solutions to elevate your business? You've come to the right place. This article explores the top cloud-based managed services azure solutions for AEC firms. 

What are managed Cloud Services? 

Managed cloud services allow you to outsource the management and maintenance of your existing IT system. These services can range from full-service support, like provisioning and configuring new cloud resources, to more basic monitoring and maintenance. They can also provide additional services, such as scaling resources up or down as needed. 

The idea behind managed services is that it's a cost-effective way for AEC firms to get all the benefits of the cloud without investing in personnel or tech expertise to manage their infrastructure. It's also an excellent way for firms to focus their efforts on more critical tasks, like developing projects for clients.  

Top 3 Cloud Solutions for AEC firms 

1. Cloud storage 

Cloud storage is an excellent way to store or access files over the internet. It allows users to store their files on a remote server instead of their computer's hardware. 

Cloud storage is essential in the AEC industry because it allows professionals to access their files anywhere. It also makes it easy to collaborate with coworkers, as you can share files quickly.  

Additionally, cloud storage can help firms save money on hardware costs, as employees can access the files they need without needing to store them on their computers.  

2. Internet of Things (IoT)  

IoT (Internet of Things) is the network of everyday objects, such as sensors and devices, connected via the internet. These objects can collect and exchange data, which helps to automate processes and simplify tasks.  

The AEC industry is uniquely positioned to benefit from this technology since it involves a lot of complex systems and requires managing multiple pieces of data. For example, an AEC firm could use the IoT to track project budgets, monitor energy consumption in buildings, or create virtual walk-throughs for their clients.  

Furthermore, users can analyze the data from these connected objects to gain helpful insights to inform better decision-making. 

3. Application hosting 

Application hosting is another crucial cloud solution for AEC firms. It involves offering external access to a company's software applications so users can access them remotely. This way, firms can save money and resources by buying the latest software and computer systems only when necessary, eliminating the need for costly new investments and regular upgrades.  

Application hosting also reduces IT maintenance costs since cloud hosting providers are responsible for maintaining and updating the application. This service is essential in the AEC industry as it allows multiple users to collaborate on projects in real-time, no matter where they are located.  

This helps to keep teams connected, streamline workflows and accelerate project deliverables. It also requires less travel time and expenses as team members don't have to come into the office to work on their projects or attend meetings with other stakeholders. Additionally, application hosting is secure, ensuring that essential data is backed up regularly and securely stored offsite.  

Benefits of cloud solutions for AEC firms  

1. Cost-efficiency  

Managed cloud solutions take the burden of managing and maintaining hardware off of AEC firms, which is relatively expensive. By moving to the cloud, firms can access the latest software and hardware without the upfront cost of purchasing and installing it themselves. They can also scale their infrastructure up or down as needed, which is vital for businesses that experience seasonal fluctuations in workload.  

Moreover, IT staff are a valuable resource for AEC firms and should be used to their fullest potential. Cloud solutions free up IT staff time by automating many routine tasks, such as server maintenance and troubleshooting. This allows staff to focus on more strategic tasks that support the business as a whole.  

2. Remote access  

With the right cloud solution in place, AEC professionals can have secure, real-time access to their files and projects from any device, anywhere in the world. This allows them to work more efficiently and collaboratively remotely. 

Some of the ways that managed cloud services improve remote access for AEC firms include: 

  • Seamless file sharing between team members, regardless of location. 

  • Video conferencing and chat applications to connect with colleagues and clients in real-time. 

  • The ability to access project files and data even when no internet connection is available.  

3. Streamlined work  

Managed cloud solutions provide firms with the ability to securely access and share data from any location. This feature is especially beneficial for AEC firms with employees who work remotely or travel often.  

Besides providing real-time access to files and projects from any location, the system also offers automatic sync and backup of files and data. This way, your staff never loses any valuable work. Moreover, cloud solutions improve project collaboration by making it easier for team members to share files and collaborate in real-time. This can lead to faster turnaround times and improved quality of work.  

4. Scalability  

Cloud solutions offer the flexibility to quickly increase processing power by adding extra resources as needed. This eliminates the need for firms to over-invest in infrastructure, giving them the freedom to scale up or down without long-term capital expenditure commitments.  

Additionally, a managed cloud solution allows teams to access applications and data swiftly and securely from any device. This enables AEC firms to respond quickly to customer needs and deadlines while keeping costs low. The result? More efficient project delivery and increased agility in times of uncertainty.  

5. Improved data management and file sharing  

Cloud solutions make it easy to share and manage data. Before, if you wanted someone outside the company to access your files, you would need to email them one by one. Moreover, it was challenging to keep track of versions and ensure everyone was viewing the same information. Now, with cloud solutions, you can securely store and locate files while having different access levels for users. 

Managed cloud services also provide additional features that improve data management for AEC firms, like automated backups, enhanced retrieval capabilities, better document collaboration tools, and quicker file sharing. This makes it easier for team members to share ideas and allows them to access data from any device at any time. Furthermore, secure data storage enables increased visibility over who is making changes which helps prevent unauthorized alterations of documents.  

6. Reduced downtime from IT issues 

You're likely familiar with IT issues that lead to downtime. Well, managed cloud services from a reliable provider can help reduce the frequency of these issues and, in turn, the occurrence of downtime. Specifically, here are two ways to accomplish this goal:  

Automated monitoring 

Well-functioning systems are essential for AEC firms to remain productive and efficient. Managed cloud services use automated monitoring tools to detect potential threats or outages in real time. This allows them to address any issues before they affect operations or cause downtime.  

System scalability 

When your business grows, so do your storage needs. Managed cloud services allow you to quickly and easily scale up your storage capacity as your team or project requirements expand without having to purchase additional hardware or software, thus reducing system and overall technical downtime. 

Related post: On-Premise to the Cloud: Top Benefits and Challenges 

Azure managed services for AEC firms  

For AEC firms that want to leverage the benefits of cloud solutions but are a bit intimidated by the process, managed services for Azure are a great option. This service provides a team of engineers, developers, and IT professionals to help you implement Azure solutions cost-effectively and securely.  

So what are the steps to implement Azure managed services? First, you'll need to identify your specific needs and create a plan that considers those needs. Then, you should decide which components you'll be using and the best method to implement your cloud strategy.  

Finally, it's important to establish best practices for managing your services, such as setting up cost alerts, monitoring performance, and troubleshooting issues. 

Related post: The 8-Step Recipe to Creating a Successful Cloud Strategy 

Final thoughts 

Now that you've learned about the immense potential of managed cloud services for AEC companies, you might be willing to try it. If you're ready to implement efficient cloud solutions in your firm, consider working with AECCloud. Specializing in managed Azure services, we deliver the right mix of cloud-based solutions for small, medium, and large AEC firms. Contact us today to learn more about our reliable services.