AEC Cloud EVENT: How to Increase Your Construction IT ROI :: RECAP :: THANK YOU!!!!
Just WOW!
Our first event was more than any of us here expected.
Great speakers, great space and great audience!!
Christine Burger, President of Burger Consulting Group, opened the session in our space at Stone Brewery in San Diego, CA.
If you have never heard him speak, the guy is literally full of incredible knowledge, experience and insight into technology today in the work space, and in particular with the AEC industry.
Next up was Jeremy Sibert, CIO at Hensel Phelps. Jeremy has literally transformed Hensel Phelps' IT department, processes and corporate thinking when it comes to IT and the ever changing landscape of adopting technology in the work place. Incredible hands on experience over the past 8 years working there, which he freely shared with the audience. A truly incredible opportunity for us all.
Steve Maddox of Viewpoint brought his expertise and knowledge of technology in the AEC space and how his clients were utilizing different software suites to maximize their ROI in the IT department.
The event then went into a round table discussion between the three along with our CEO here at AEC Cloud, Wes Smith joining in with insights into current challenges and future opportunities in the AEC IT space.
Just an incredible experience to listen to these speakers, and the audience was blown away. Here are a couple of the comments from the post event survey:
Spot ON!
Thank you! That was a wonderful event.
Very credible SME's. I appreciated the insight.
Thank you again to all the participants that helped make this event above and beyond what we could have imagined.
We are working on editing the video into bite size pieces now and will let you know when we have that posted for viewing on our website.
Stay tuned for the next educational event. We are working on the details now and will will announce it soon.
Proven Reliability and Leadership For Over 16 Years
AEC Cloud has been on the scene working with the largest AEC companies in the field for over 16 years. Leaders in the industry rely on our expertise and proven track record to help their companies stay ahead with their Enterprise Application Hosting needs. Just ask Hensel Phelps or Turner Construction.
Finding an experienced and reliable hosting partner is critical in seeing a successful outcome.
Here at AEC Cloud, we know what you need before you do. We have been hosting applications and data for some of the largest companies in the AEC space for over 16 years. We can help guide you through the maze of cloud hosting and determine exactly what your company needs today, and what it will need tomorrow.
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