Searching For A Managed Cloud IT Service Provider? Here’s How We Outperform The Competition

Searching For A Managed Cloud IT Service Provider?

Now that the world has truly taken on digital transformation, consider AECCloud as your managed cloud IT service provider for your construction, architectural or engineering firm.

Cloud hosting is one of the fastest-growing industries for B2B and B2C companies with Amazon, Microsoft and Google cited as the largest players in the industry. In 2020 alone, the demand for cloud has more than doubled due to the COVID-19 lock-down, and demand will only continue to grow as the world has shifted to working remotely. As I stated earlier, cloud is no longer optional – it is now a must!

For you, the small business owner, it means you are spoilt for choice when it comes to finding a cloud hosting service provider. But how do you differentiate between them all? And importantly, how does AECCloud compare with other managed cloud IT service providers? To make it easy, here’s a list of how we outperform to the competition:

1. We have helped improve our clients’ efficiency, security and connectivity for more than 17 years

In the early days, we hosted mission critical applications on physical servers and managed software implementation projects for our clients. For more than 17 years, we have been part of the evolution in technology by witnessing and adapting to new trends as they emerge. While it has been challenging convincing our clients to move with the times by adopting managed cloud IT services, digital transformation has come with many rewards. By moving from physical to cloud-based servers, clients are now more efficient in their day-to-day operations, their data is more secure and connectivity between staff is virtually seamless. Our technology expertise has proven to be invaluable to architectural, electrical and construction businesses thanks to server virtualization technologies such as VMWare, Citrix and Microsoft Azure, our most widely utilized IaaS.

2. We work in close partnership with you and your IT team to ensure workflow continuity and seamless scaling as your business grows

We do not compete with your technology team, rather, we function as an extension of resource, knowledge and expertise. We work openly and collaboratively with your existing IT service provider with full consideration of your project, scope and needs. Additionally, we are a managed cloud IT service provider that has a multi-functional team consisting of various skill and talent. From systems engineering to cloud certified consultants, software engineers and software development, our team of highly skilled professionals cover everything from platforms to processes.

3. We manage the entire project end-to-end by implementing robust processes

While another managed cloud IT service provider may offer a ‘cheaper’ solution, do they have sufficient experience? Have they mapped out a plan and pathway to successful implementation? Our team develops and implements well thought out processes that are organized, timely and accurate from start to finish. We have applied the same concepts in construction project management to IT project management, which has proven to be an effective way to work with our clients. If there are risks and contingencies to be considered, we will communicate them along the way to help mitigate any loss of data, downtime or disruption. These checks and balances are imperative when choosing a cloud hosting service provider.

4. Our service level agreements are standardized so what you see is what you get

Our contracts are standardized so the pricing is 100% transparent. During start-up phase, we initially offered bundled pricing that included licenses, infrastructure, back-up and support. To help remove any ambiguity and make it easier from a cost management and planning perspective for clients, we moved to a transparent pricing model in early 2010. By taking a forward-thinking approach, we eliminated the need to project costs and took the guesswork out of billing.

5. Pick an IT field of specialization and pay by the hour

Not only are we an end-to-end managed cloud IT service provider, but you can also pick a specific IT specialization for your project and choose to pay by the hour. Our team of cloud specialists, software engineers and project managers give you the full scope of IT resources available as a standalone service at a competitive price. Furthermore, we follow agile processes by following Microservices techniques and employing technologies such as Microsoft Azure, Kafka and Kubernetes.

We are confident that our working model for managed cloud services offers you all the advantages of cloud computing without the hassle of managing your own migration, security, compliance and support. Whether you need cloud infrastructure or cloud hosted application management, we can manage everything from unified access to back-up and recovery so you can focus on running a successful and profitable business.

To learn more about our cloud hosting services, we have further resources you can read on our blog. If you need advice on finding a managed cloud IT service provider, feel free to reach out to me by email or call (212) 505-0381.